need your help!
Published on August 28, 2010 By awuffleablehedgie In War of Magic

Hey guys, for those who are routinely stomping the AI left and right while on Ridiculous, I have a request: please play on Extreme instead.

Why? Because the AI does not use Fog of War hacks. I noticed that the AI tend to leave their cities completely empty a lot on Ridiculous. Not quite so much on Normal. The AI has a limited amount of time to decide how to move. When they have full fog of war, they have a LOT more information to process, but the same amount of time to do so.

I think what's happening is the AI sees certain priority targets (excellent sites to build cities, or goody huts) and makes a beeline towards them, because it doesn't realize the enemy human threat. Limiting its information makes it have to do things more gradually, which is important.

Basically, imagine a scenario where you have exactly one minute to decide which out of 10,000 cakes is the best cake. That's not nearly enough time! Usually you would make a "good" choice, based on first impressions, but it certainly wouldn't be the best choice available. If you only have to choose between 3 cakes, it becomes much simpler and you actually have time to properly sample them and make a decision (even if the three cakes you are presented aren't as good as all of the cakes in the 10,000).

Please post your feedback and experiences here.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 29, 2010

I still prefer ridiculous for the hp boost. Otherwise you can just use stone giant (like posted above) and blizzard to destroy everything. When the (ridiculous) enemy spawns units with 300+ health after 100 turns, it's a very different story.

Edit: AI only has shitty units if it started with a shitty spawn. Half the AI spawns have one fertile field and nothing else.

Edit2: Whenever I play on extreme, I think I'm playing on normal. Maybe it's just unconscious damage from playing too much ridiculous, but it's WAY too easy.

on Aug 29, 2010

Quit rushing and using tactics which will be nerfed in a week and try to have some fun.

You don't have to rush or use anything but basic tactics (build troops, move them towards enemy, obliterate enemy), and I personally don't use any known exploits, like loading up troops with tons of jewelry or kits (stuff that should get nerfed).  I build entirely normal troops.

And I do have fun beating up the AIs - it's just way too easy.  If I chilled and built up even more before finally attacking, it would be even easier because my troops would be exponentially more devastating.

At some point, AIs must be thrashed.  Either they declare on you, poach something you want, demand something ridiculous, look at you funny - whatever it is - they must be punished, usually by me exterminating them like vermin.

4 games on extreme so far here, no difference, it's easy like any other difficulty setting.
PS: I'm not rushing either, i'm a builder, but at an certain point it makes no sense to keep building up.

I'm a builder too but there just isn't that much to build.  I can get thru the tech tree pretty quick, to the point of having the end of tree techs in several trees and branches (some branches don't have much to them or much point to them either, but I still research the crap!), and be researching/learning level 10+ spells.  Once you get rolling in Elemental it's like a runaway freight train.

I usually have so many resources rolling in that there's not much point in bulding anymore, except to build troops, which leads to "hey, my troops look pretty kick ass and designing parties/squads of uber troops is actually kinda fun - now to try them out on something," which leads to, wow, I just rolled an entire AI empire in 10 turns and now have all these new beefy cities producing even more resources.  What next.  I wonder.  Rolling the wandering monsters isn't all that interesting because all you ever get out of it is gildar you don't need - and after slaying everything in sight just to have repops almost immediately, you start thinking, maybe I'll wipe out some mobs where there is a point - the AIs....

The builder side of the game just isn't compelling enough for me to want to sit around and build for ages like I would in GalCiv2 or Civ.  In those games, I want to colonize every possible planet or build cities in every empty space, build them up, tech up, THEN finally get around to figuring out how I'm going to win.  This is missing in Elemental to me.  In elemental I wanna build a tight, defendable empire, build up a little, then expand thru violence.  Totally not my style at all.

on Aug 29, 2010

I have stil to win a game. Maybe is too easy for the experts of this type of games, but is not easy for everybody.

on Aug 29, 2010

The builder side of the game just isn't compelling enough for me to want to sit around and build for ages like I would in GalCiv2 or Civ.

This is what disappoints me the most. The AI will eventually be fixed, but the strategic, empire building part of the game is much too shallow compared to Civ or GalCiv. I hope they add a lot more features to the strategic aspect, because I'm a builder and I hate going to war until absolutely necessary. But right now, going to war is the only thing fun in the game.

on Aug 29, 2010

The largest problem with the AI, in my opinion, is that they will suicide their sovereign right into my base, 600 combat rating army vs my 800 combat rating army. But that's just one small problem, really. It's just the most disappointing.

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