Published on September 20, 2010 By awuffleablehedgie In War of Magic

I'm not getting minor factions spawned anymore...

I've tried to just make it a 1v1 on a Large map and still not a single one.

on Sep 20, 2010

Personally I liked the number that was there previous and don't understand why they lowered the number of minor nations. Each city helps keep the number of wild things down. I actually liked pockets of unruly areas of monsters, but they dropped that too. So now it is a big, empty world for several beginning turns of a large map.

on Sep 21, 2010

Well, the problem isn't the reduced amount of minor factions (though I wish they kept it how it was originally). 

It's that I never get minor factions. Ever! 

on Sep 21, 2010

will they return? I only started with 1.08

on Sep 21, 2010

I have one in my 1.08 game.

on Sep 21, 2010

I wish it was moddable :/ 

on Sep 21, 2010

i wish there was no such thing as a minor civ. it's an obtuse and arbitrary distinction just like it was in in GC2. if you want smaller factions that fit the lore of the world and serve all the same purposes then just make them lack channelers, have lower stats and use a less expansionist ai.

on Sep 21, 2010

I've only ever seen one in my games. I would like a minimum of ten for large maps.